Peer-Reviewed Publications

See an archive of publications HERE

Papa, A., Okun, A.H., Barile, J.P., Jia, H., Thompson, W.W., & Guerin, R.J. (in press). Patterns and Correlates of Traumatic Stress, Depression, Anxiety, and Moral Injury in U.S. Healthcare Providers Late in the Covid-19 Pandemic. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 

Gillespie, A., Song, R., Barile, J. P., Okada, L., Brown, S. Traub, K., Trout, J., Simoncini, G., Xavier Hall, C., Tan, Y., Gadegbeku, C., Ma, G., Wong, F.Y. (2024). Discrimination and Hypertension among a Diverse Sample of Racial and Sexual Minority Men Living with HIV: Baseline Findings of a Longitudinal Cohort Study. Journal of Human Hypertension. 38, 603-610.  

Xavier Hall, C.D., Okantey, B, Meng, Z., Sabuncu, C., Lane, B., Millender, E., Queiroz, A. , Kim, J.H., Okada, L., Gillespie, A., Simoncini, G., Barile, J.P., Ma, G.X., Wong, F.Y. (2024). Examining bio-psycho-social predictors of risk for cognitive impairment among a racially diverse sample of men who have sex with men living with HIV. Therapeutic Advances in Infectious Disease, 11, 1-18.

Brokopp Binder, S., Baker, C. K., Ritchie, L. A., Barile, J. P., & Greer, A. (2023). “Upheaval”: Unpacking the dynamic balance between place attachment and social capital in disaster recovery. American Journal of Community Psychology, 72, 378-394. 

Guerin, R. J., Barile, J. P., Groenewold, M. R., Free, H. & Okun, A. H. (2023). COVID-19 workplace mitigation strategies and employee leave policies implemented during the height of the pandemic, United States, Fall 2020 and 2021. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20, 2894-2907.

Legg, E., Wells, M. S., & Barile, J. P. (2022). The relation of achievement goals to sense of community in an adult recreational sports league: A multi-level perspective. The Sport Journal, 24, 1-24.

Pruitt, A. S., & Barile, J. P. (2022). Actionable research for understanding and addressing homelessness. Journal of Community Psychology, 50, 2051–2057. 

Pacheco, M., Agner, J. L., Meyers, T. K., Franco, J., Barile, J. P., Kaholokula, J. K., & Baldwin, J. A. (2022). Health outcomes and healthcare utilization of Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders living with HIV in Hawaiʻi: A mixed-methods study. Ethnicity & Health, 27, 1841-1858.  

Masuda, A., Barile, J. P., Spencer, S. D., Juberg, M., Martin, T. J., & Vibell, J. (2022). Mindful awareness moderates the association between psychological inflexibility and distress variables: A cross-sectional investigation. Journal of American College Health, 70, 6607-614. 

Jia, H., Guerin, R. J. Barile, J. P., Okun, A. H., McKnight-Eily, L., Blumberg, S. J., Njai, R. & Thompson, W. W. (2021). National and state trends in anxiety and depression severity scores among adults during the COVID-19 pandemic — United States, 2020–2021. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 70, 1427-1432.

Guerin, R. J., Barile, J. P., Thompson, W. W., McKnight-Eily, L. R. & Okun, A. H. (2021). Investigating the impact of job loss during the COVID-19 pandemic on physical and mental health outcomes among U.S. adults. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 63, e571-e579.

Barile, J. P., Guerin R. J., Fisher, K. A., Tian, L. H., Okun, A. H., Vanden Esschert, K. L., Jeffers, A., Gurbaxani, B., Thompson, W. W. & Prue, C. E. (2021). Theory based behavioral predictors of self-reported use of face coverings in public settings during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 55, 82-88. 

Wang L., Barile, J. P., Simoni, J. M., Harris, R., Yue, Q., Fu, J., Zheng, H., Ning, Z., & Wong., F. Y. (2021). Intimate partner violence among Chinese transwomen: Associations with sexual risk behaviors and HIV/STI testing. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 48, 362-369.

Millender, E., Barile, J. P., Bagneris, J., Harris, R. M. Wong, F. Y, Crusto, C. & Taylor, J. (2021) Associations between social determinants of health, perceived discrimination, and body mass index on symptoms of depression among young African American mothers. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 35, 94-101

Fisher, K. A., Barile J. P., Guerin R. J., Vanden Esschert, K. L., Jeffers, A., Tian, L. H., Garcia-Williams, A., Gurbaxani, B., Thompson, W. W. & Prue, C. E. (2020). Factors Associated with Cloth Face Covering Use Among Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic — United States, April and May 2020. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69, 933-937.

Agner, J., Barile, J. P., Chandler, S., & Berry, M. (2020). Innovation in child welfare: Factors affecting adoption of empirically supported interventions. Children and Youth Services Review, 199, 105580.

Agner, J., Barile, J., Botero, A., Cha, T., Herrera, N., Kaukau, T.M., Nakamura, L., Inada, M., & Hawai‘i Clubhouse Coalition (2020). Understanding the role of mental health Clubhouses in promoting wellness and health equity using Pilinahā – An indigenous framework for health. American Journal of Community Psychology, 66, 290-301

Barile, J.P. Pruitt, A. S., & Parker, J. L. (2020). Identifying gaps in service needs for adults experiencing homelessness. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 30, 262-277.

Barile, J. P., Binder, S. B., & Baker, C. K. (2020). Recovering after a natural disaster: Differences in quality of life across three communities after Hurricane Sandy. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 15, 1151-1159.

Pruitt, A. S., McKinsey, E., & Barile, J. P. (2020). A State of Emergency: Dominant Cultural Narratives on Homelessness in Hawai‘i. Journal of Community Psychology, 48, 1603-1619.

He, N., Ding, Y., Li, J., Yuan, S., Xu, L., Qiao, S. Xu, X., Zhu, B., Shi, R., Barile, J. P., Wong, F. Y. (2019). HIV and aging in mainland China: Implications for control and prevention research. Current HIV/AIDS Reports, 16, 439-447 

Guerin, R. J., Okun, A. H., Barile, J. P., Emshoff, J. G., Ediger, M. & Baker, D. (2019). Preparing teens to stay safe and healthy on the job: A multilevel evaluation of the Talking Safety curriculum for middle schools and high schools. Prevention Science, 4, 510-520.

Binder, S. B., Barile, J.P., Baker, C. K, & Kulp, B. (2019). Home buyouts and household recovery: Neighborhood differences three years after Hurricane Sandy. Environmental Hazards, 18, 127-145.

Jia, H, Lubetkin, E. I., Barile, J. P., Horner-Johnson, W., DeMichele, K., Stark, D. S., Zack, M. M., & Thompson, W. W. (2018). Quality-Adjusted Life Years (QALY) for fifteen chronic conditions and combinations of conditions among U.S. adults aged 65 and older. Medical Care, 56, 740-746.

Masuda, A., Latner, J., Barile, J. P. & Sargent, K. (2018). Understanding self-concealment within a framework of disordered eating cognitions and body image flexibility: Conceptual and applied implications. Eating Behaviors, 30, 49-54.

Barile, J. P., Pruitt, A. S., & Parker, J. L. (2018). A latent class analysis of self-identified reasons for experiencing homelessness: Opportunities for prevention. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 28, 94-107.

Pruitt, A. S., Barile, J. P., Ogawa, T. Y., Peralta, N., et al. (2018). Housing First and photovoice: Transforming lives, communities, and systems. American Journal of Community Psychology, 61, 104-117.

Gasiorek, J., & Barile, J. P. (2018). Associations between profiles of communication about aging and quality of life for middle-aged and older American adults. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 87, 141-155.

Barile, J. P., Kuperminc, G. P., & Thompson, W. W. (2017). Resident characteristics and neighborhood environments on health-related quality of life and stress. Journal of Community Psychology, 45, 1011-1025.

Gleason, K., Barile, J.P., & Baker, C. K. (2017). Describing trajectories of homeless service use in Hawai'i using latent class growth analysis. American Journal of Community Psychology, 59, 158-171.

Barile, J. P., Horner-Johnson, W., Krahn, G., Zack, M., Miranda, D., DeMichele, K., Ford, D., & Thompson, W. W. (2016). Measurement characteristics for two health-related quality of life measures in older adults: The SF-36 and the CDC Healthy Days items. Disability and Health Journal, 9, 567-574.

Barile, J.P. & Smith, A.R. (2016). Our theories are only as good as our methods. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, 7, 1-5.

Barile, J. P., Mitchell, S. A., Thompson, W. W., Zack, M. M., Reeve, B. B., Cella, D. F., & Wilder-Smith, A. (2015). Patterns of chronic conditions and their associations with behaviors and quality of life, 2010. Preventing Chronic Disease, 12, 1-11.

Brokopp Binder, S., Baker, C.K., & Barile, J.P. (2015). Rebuild or relocate? Resilience and postdisaster decision-making after Hurricane Sandy. American Journal of Community Psychology. 56. 180-196.

Barile, J. P., Edwards V, Dhingra S. S., & Thompson W. W. (2015). Associations among county-level social determinants of health, child maltreatment, and emotional support on health-related quality of life. Psychology of Violence. 5, 183-191.

Legg, W.E., Wells, M.S., & Barile, J.P. (2015). Factors related to sense of community in youth sport parents. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration. 16, 21-30.

Brown, D. S., Thompson, W. W., Zack, M. M., Arnold, S. E., & Barile, J. P. (2015). Associations between health-related quality of life and mortality in older adults. Prevention Science, 16, 21-30.

Latner, J., Barile, J.P., Durso, L. E. & O’Brien, K. S. (2014). Weight and health-related quality of life: The moderating role of weight discrimination and internalized weight bias. Eating Behaviors, 15, 586-590.

Ford, D.C., Merrick, M.T., Parks, S., Breiding, M., Gilbert, L., Edwards, V., Barile, J.P., & Thompson, W.W. (2014). Examining the factorial structure of adverse childhood experiences administered on the Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System. Psychology of Violence, 4, 432-444.

Zhou, H., Siegel, P. Z., Barile, J. P., Njai, R. S., Thompson, W. W., Kent, C., & Liao, Y. (2014). Models for count data with an application to Healthy Days measure: Are you driving in screws with a hammer? Preventing Chronic Disease, 11. 1-11.

Barile, J. P., Thompson, W. W., Zack, M. M., Krahn, G. L., Horner-Johnson, W. H., & Bowen, S. E. (2013). Multiple chronic medical conditions and health-related quality of life in older adults, 2004–2006. Preventing Chronic Disease, 10, 162-173.

Barile, J. P., Reeve, B. B., Smith, A. W., Zack, M. M., Mitchell, S. A., Kobau, R., Cella, D., Luncheon, C., & Thompson, W. W. (2013). Monitoring population health for Healthy People 2020:  Evaluation of the NIH PROMIS® Global Health, CDC Healthy Days, and Satisfaction with Life instruments. Quality of Life Research. 22, 1201-1211.

Darnell, A. J., Barile, J. P., Harper, C. R., Kuperminc, G. P., & Emshoff, J. G. (2013). Testing effects of community collaboration on rates of low infant birthweight at the county level. American Journal of Community Psychology.51, 398-406.

Iqbal, S., Barile, J. P., Thompson, W. W., & DeStefano, F. (2013). Number of antigens in early childhood vaccines and neuropsychological outcomes at age 7–10 years. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 12, 1263-1270.

Barile, J. P., Thompson, W. W., Zack, M. M., Krahn, G. L., Horner-Johnson, W. H., & Haffer, S. C. (2012). Activities of daily living, chronic medical conditions, and health-related quality of life in older adults. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management, 35, 292-303.

Thompson, W. W., Ridenhour, B., Barile, J. P., & Shay, D. K. (2012). Time-series analyses of count data to estimate the burden of seasonal infectious diseases. Epidemiology, 23, 839-842.

Barrett, A. N., Barile, J. P., Malm, E., & Weaver, S. R. (2012). English proficiency and peer interethnic relations as predictors of math achievement among Latino and Asian immigrant students. Journal of Adolescence, 35, 1619-1628.

Barile, J. P., Darnell, A. J., Erickson, S. W., & Weaver, S. R. (2012). Multilevel measurement of dimensions of collaboration in a network of collaboratives that promote child and family well-being. American Journal of Community Psychology. 49, 270-282.

Barile, J. P., Donohue, D. K., Anthony, E. R., Baker, A. M, Weaver, S. R., & Henrich, C. C. (2012). Teacher-student relationship climate and school outcomes: Implications for educational policy initiatives. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 41, 256-267.

Barile, J. P., Grogan, K. E., Henrich, C. C., Brookmeyer, K. A., & Shahar, G. (2012). Symptoms of depression in Israeli adolescents following a suicide bombing: The role of gender. Journal of Early Adolescence, 32, 502-515.

Thompson WW, Zack MM, Krahn G, Andresen E, & Barile, J. P. (2012). Health-related quality of life among older adults with and without functional limitations. American Journal of Public Health, 3, 496-502.

Barile, J. P., Kuperminc, G. P., Weintraub, E. S., Mink, J. W., & Thompson, W. W. (2012). Thimerosal exposure in early life and neuropsychological outcomes 7-10 years later. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 37, 106-118.

Shahar, G., Guina, C., Grogan, K. E., Barile, J. P., & Henrich, C. C. (2009). Effects of a suicide bombing on adolescent depression: The protective role of social support from friends. Pediatrics, 124, 235-240.